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DOLOMITI CUP 2014 - 26 27 April 2014

By webmaster - Posted on 09 January 2014

 DOLOMITI CUP 2014 - 26-27 april 2014

Dear all!

A little later as usual, but in time, to wish you a safe, healthy and happy 2014 and ....send you this personal invitation for the annual Belluno training and Dolomiti Cup (with integrated the famous Limoncello Cup!)

This invitation is sent only to those accuracy friends, who participated in the last two editions of this event.

Most probably, this year two teams of Qatar with their trainers will attend and compete in the Dolomiti Cup.

That means extra planning, organizing airlift capacity etc., to make sure that daily a satisfying number of training jumps can be made.

Please respond individually as soon as possible (latest before end of March) to let us know if you are coming and what period that will be. When your reaction comes in, your participation will be confirmed.

If someone in your circle of accuracy-friends is not invited, but wants to join: let him contact us!


21 April- 3 May inclusive. Arrival in weekend 19/20 April possible.

Dolomiti Cup/Limoncello Cup on 26/27 April. 

8 rounds, (5 competitors per team with scratch result) and dinner: 140 euro per person.

Registration during training in Belluno  or via

Surprise competition on Wednesday 30 April. 

Is absolutely secret and will be communicated during our training period!!

Need further information? Do not hesitate to contact one of us:

See you in Belluno?!

Blue skies, cieli blu,